


Palma de Mallorca, Spain - Artist (Painting)





He was born in Palma de Mallorca, has lived in the Canary Islands,

Madrid, Wane-Eikel (Germany), Oss (Netherlands), Santa F and Bogotá

(Colombia), and again in Madrid. He currently resides and works for

19 years old in Granada - Spain. María Teresa Martínez de Medina who

after a trip to India to an Osho Ashram in the city of Pune

It has been given the name "KALYANA" which means "Inner Light"

which he captures in his work and projects it to the observer through his

painting, with a palette of cosmic blues, incandescent reds and oranges and

sublime golds.

With mythical galactic figures, that with all these elements his work

It transports us to a dimensional journey to feel our origins in the

universe and really feel where we come from. Kalyana, feels and expresses

that art works with our own conscience. With the material they are

dreams made. There are multiple ways to express something about ourselves

ourselves and our world to reconnect with our true

source of life and love, from another dimension, cross the world

unknown and approach the mystery of the «Magical Reality» and from

There we can reach the cosmos, that space where it encompasses everything that exists.

That is, the planets, energy, light, galaxies, satellites and

stars, etc. Within the constellation of Taurus there are a set

of 7 stars called "Pleiades", where humanoid beings with high

level of consciousness and love "The Pleiadians", they claim to be our

ancestors, our genetic parents, are with us, caring for us and

observing us from ancient times, for our resurgence as beings

of light. Their biology is like ours, but their spiritual and

technological is much more advanced than that of Earth.

These beings of light have offered themselves as our guides and teachers for our

spiritual evolution and Kalyana through his pictorial work wants to expand

this message of light as a symbol of hope and love.






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In the vastness of the night sky,

the universe spreads its mantle,

constellations dance overhead,

a cosmic ballet, eternal and together.

Galaxies weave stories in the ether,

They whisper secrets from distant stars,

On the black canvas of the universe they strive,

painting with light, the nights are feats.

Planets dance in their astral dance,

between the firmament, an endless dance,

the universe, a celestial poem,

where the stars make up their feast.

In the immensity of this vast canvas,

where darkness and light intertwine,

We are participants in this great beginning,

mirrors of the universe, in their dance they embrace.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


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In the sky of dreams, green Pleiadian,

where the stars dance in a blanket of light,

A galaxy comes to life, a universe that boils,

Cosmic mirrors reflect a seductive ecstasy.

Under the ethereal ether, the green shines,

like dancing leaves in the star breeze,

painting constellations with celestial brushes,

the color of the stars, a unique journey.

Green Pleiadian, essence of eternity,

a garden of hope in the unfathomable cosmos,

your light distills peace with subtlety,

In the cosmic vastness, a gentle whisper.

On the sidereal canvas, the green unfolds,

a magical tapestry of intertwining galaxies,

a cosmic song that reaches the heart,

Pleiadian green, in infinity they embrace.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


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On the canvas of the extended cosmos,

a cosmic family, the dance of stars,

intertwining destinations on your shared flight,

weaving the plot of such beautiful stories.

Galaxies are the mother, with spiral arms,

sighing constellations like beloved children,

in the dark embrace of sidereal nights,

the cosmic family, in its tangled ties.

Planetary orbits, like ties that bind,

They unite worlds in their universal dance,

satellites that collide in the celestial dance,

forming part of a sidereal lineage.

In the ether, the cosmic family is understood,

like constellations that embrace each other in the sky,

shooting stars, promises that light up,

an ethereal bond that no time destroys.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


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On the vast canvas of the universe,

the art of the ethereal unfolds,

Pleiadians dance in the verse,

They whisper secrets to the light weather.

On the cosmic palette, divine colors,

They paint constellations, dancing stars,

the Pleiadians, divine artists,

They weave their divine creations in the ether.

Stellar canvas, reflection of distant galaxies,

cosmic art in every celestial corner,

the Pleiadians, with sovereign hands,

They create their own plague in space.

Between nebulae and sidereal lights,

The Pleiadians sculpt reality,

cosmic art, crossing thresholds,

where each star is its own truth.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


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On the cosmic canvas of the starry night,

where the palette of the universe unfolds,

The Pleiadians dance, their art dazzled,

painting constellations on the vast blind canvas.

With brushes of light and sidereal colors,

the stars weave their galactic dance,

while the Pleiadians, as celestial beings,

they create art in the cosmos with emphatic passion.

Its lines form nebulae of kaleidoscopes,

a cosmic ballet on the sidereal canvas,

where art and essence become hypnotic,

revealing secrets of a celestial planet.

In the darkness of space, a magical encounter,

between humans and Pleiadians, a bond is woven,

art and aliens in a fantastic embrace,

a cosmic symphony, where the soul flourishes.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


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On the palette of the soul, divine colors,

art and spirituality intertwined,

brushes that dance in divine strokes,

revealing secrets on sacred canvases.

The light of being in creation is reflected,

Like a beacon that guides the wandering spirit,

the essence of art, flickering flame,

lighting the way to what's important.

In the dance of the cosmos, the universal canvas,

each star, a stroke of divine inspiration,

the cosmic artist, sublime and celestial,

weaves the fabric of being in its creation.

Art is a temple, spirituality is its faith,

an encounter between the earthly and the divine,

In each stroke, the soul finds its law,

a path that leads to genuine love.

In the fabric of life, spiritual canvas,

The shapes and colors of the soul intertwine,

art and spirituality, in eternal immense embrace,

weaving together the fabric of calm.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


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On the canvas of time, art dances,

brushes of dreams trace hope.

Colors of life in each brushstroke,

a sublime song of souls in love.

On the canvas of the soul, art flourishes,

Each emotion is a stroke that enriches.

The palette of experiences unfolds,

weaving life with threads of surrender.

Art is a sigh in the vastness,

a canvas where life intertwines.

In each stroke a heart beats,

painting moments with pure passion.

Sublime is the encounter between art and destiny,

an eternal dance, a divine bond.

On the canvas of existence it is captured,

the symphony of life, an art that embalms.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


Included with purchase

In the vast universe of endless mysteries,

where the stars dance in an eternal feast,

art is woven, sublime creation,

a cosmic canvas where the light slides.

Pleiadians, beings from another confines,

They explore galaxies with their subtle light,

celestial artists, their essence is art,

In the cosmic dance, they leave their banner.

His eyes reflect universes in his gaze,

painters of constellations, in the sky shine,

weaving verses in the starry night,

a divine art that never ends.

On the canvas of space, they give shape to dreams,

the Pleiadians, keepers of small secrets,

a symphony of stars in his voice,

ethereal art that moves the heart.

So in the vastness of this immense stage,

the universe and art intertwine his diary,

Pleiadians dance in the endless night,

weaving poetry in heavenly space.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


Included with purchase

In the dance of stars, spirituality is woven,

a mantle of mysteries that the cosmos inherits.

Between constellations, an extraterrestrial art,

painting the cosmic canvas, where the soul celebrates.

In the darkness of the universe, the essence rises,

an ethereal whisper, a divine presence.

Extraterrestrial art, brushstrokes of light,

in the celestial vastness, a seductive dance.

The galaxies compose divine scores,

melodies of ether, spirituality that culminates.

On the stellar canvas, lines that awaken,

an extraterrestrial art that touches the heart.

Between dimensions, spirituality flows,

an eternal river where being is diluted.

Extraterrestrial art, celestial creation,

a cosmic poem that the soul invests.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


Included with purchase

In the corner of the universe, among dancing stars,

the Pleiadian family, with divine spirituality.

Their cosmic ties weave, in threads of radiant light,

an ethereal bond, incessant love.

In the heavenly ether, their souls intertwine,

weaving love stories that the cosmos embraces.

Spirituality is your guide, your lighthouse on the journey,

a path of ascent towards eternity.

In the dance of the spheres, the Pleiadian family meets,

beings of light that from afar, their love in the distance counts.

The ancestral wisdom beats in every gesture,

a cosmic connection that the soul screams.

In the whisper of the stellar wind, echoing in eternity,

the Pleiadian family, with its spirituality,

Transcends the galaxies, woven in a sacred bond,

a legacy of eternal love, in the cosmic consecrated.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


Included with purchase

In the sacred corner of spirituality,

where the infinite soul dances in freedom,

A bond is woven between heaven and earth,

a whisper of the universe that the heart contains.

Among stars that paint the canvas of the evening,

The soul rises, like a bird that wants to be reborn.

Deep down, where the light intertwines,

Spirituality awakens and the being embraces.

In the stillness of serene meditation,

the universe reveals its full essence.

The soul, like an eternal river, flows without measure,

Navigating the vastness of this life.

In every thought, in every heartbeat,

the threads of shared destiny are intertwined.

Spirituality, lighthouse in the darkness,

guiding the infinite soul towards its truth.

On the vast cosmic canvas of the universe,

each being is a verse, a note in the concert.

So, in the eternal dance of existence,

spirituality and the soul find their coherence.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


Included with purchase

Under the mantle of the soul, in the subtle darkness,

where dreams dance in a subtle corner.

The artistic spirit awakens, like a flower in dew,

painting verses on the canvas of boredom.

In the palette of life, vibrant colors intertwine,

like musical notes that embrace the wind.

The soul, a blank canvas, waits patiently,

May the inner art be revealed, sublime and eloquent.

Artistic spirit, like a lighthouse in the storm,

navigate the waters of fermenting inspiration.

In the twilight of doubt, in the dawn of sleeplessness,

creation is forged, a parallel universe.

Under the mantle of the soul, art shines,

like stars in the night that shakes the heart.

May each stroke and each verse, like an ethereal sigh,

weave the magical fabric of the spirit, always sincere.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


Included with purchase

In the dancing night skies,

where stars tell their ancient song,

Pleiadians emerge, people from beyond,

its lights guiding destinies in the vast sea.

People of the cosmos, mysteries in their eyes,

weavers of dreams, in the celestial sphere,

spirit guides, whisper in whispers,

ancestral secrets that arrest the heart.

In the cosmic corner, the eternal dance,

Destinies, times and galaxies intertwine,

Pleiadians dancing in the ethereal essence,

weaving the plot of our melodies.

Oh, people of the beyond, wise travelers,

They whisper secrets in the star breeze,

spiritual guides, invisible lovers,

weaving threads of light in the vast chance.

May its lights guide, in the serene night,

like beacons of love, in the darkness,

Pleiadians, people from beyond,

our spiritual guides in the immensity.


All copyrights included.

Write to us to get the NFT with music, movement and poetry.


Included with purchase

In the corner of the universe, love dances,

a heavenly song, an eternal flower.

Pleiadian guardians of peace,

They weave threads of light into a tenacious mantle.

The spirit soars on golden wings,

like a radiant bird in quiet lands.

Shining soul, star in the darkness,

guided by light, in divine clarity.

In the folds of time, secrets intertwine,

The Pleiadians whisper, they embrace hopes.

Love, lighthouse that illuminates the path,

weaving peace, in every light flight.

The soul dances with the essence of stars,

painting rainbows on the most beautiful nights.

Pleiadians complicit, in the mystery,

They weave love and peace, in an eternal criterion.






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